Used Other horizontal machining centers for sale (38)

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Metal processing machinery Machining centers (horizontal) Other horizontal machining centers
2D laser cutting machine TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 (L52) 6kW + Liftmaster
2D laser cutting machine TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 (L52) 6kW + Liftmaster
2D laser cutting machine TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 (L52) 6kW + Liftmaster
2D laser cutting machine TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 (L52) 6kW + Liftmaster
Germany Kirchlengern
7,703 km

2D laser cutting machine
TRUMPFTruLaser 5030 (L52) 6kW + Liftmaster

Certified Dealer
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233 FANUC Robodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus
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Germany Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
7,969 km

FANUC ROBODRILL α-D21LiB5 Plus BAB-Zentrum_2022_02_IntNr231233
FANUCRobodrill a-D21LiB5ADV Plus

Certified Dealer
1991 KONDIA B-500 KONDIA B-500
1991 KONDIA B-500 KONDIA B-500
1991 KONDIA B-500 KONDIA B-500
1991 KONDIA B-500 KONDIA B-500
1991 KONDIA B-500 KONDIA B-500
1991 KONDIA B-500 KONDIA B-500
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France Albias
7,750 km

1991 KONDIA B-500

CNC machining center Mori Seiki NHX5000
CNC machining center Mori Seiki NHX5000
CNC machining center Mori Seiki NHX5000
CNC machining center Mori Seiki NHX5000
CNC machining center Mori Seiki NHX5000
CNC machining center Mori Seiki NHX5000
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7,667 km

CNC machining center
Mori SeikiNHX5000

Certified Dealer
Horizontal Machining Center Hitachi Seiki HS 400
Horizontal Machining Center Hitachi Seiki HS 400
Horizontal Machining Center Hitachi Seiki HS 400
Horizontal Machining Center Hitachi Seiki HS 400
Horizontal Machining Center Hitachi Seiki HS 400
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Germany Germany
7,870 km

Horizontal Machining Center
Hitachi SeikiHS 400

Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
Cnc horizontal transfer machine PFIFFNER - HYDROMAT HB 32/16
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France Contamine-sur-Arve
7,946 km

Cnc horizontal transfer machine

CNC pipe bending machine DYNOBEND DB 60-6000
CNC pipe bending machine DYNOBEND DB 60-6000
CNC pipe bending machine DYNOBEND DB 60-6000
CNC pipe bending machine DYNOBEND DB 60-6000
Germany Nienburg/Weser
7,707 km

CNC pipe bending machine

Certified Dealer
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229 Hermle C30 U mit HS30
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Germany Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
7,969 km

Hermle C30U BAB center including handling system HS30_2004_IntNr231229
HermleC30 U mit HS30

Certified Dealer
AVEREX HS-540i GTS 2-APC Averex HS-540i GTS APC
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Germany Idstein
7,804 km

AverexHS-540i GTS APC

Certified Dealer
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
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Germany Wiedergeltingen
8,088 km

5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400
HG GRIMME SysTech GmbHCNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F

Certified Dealer
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
2007 Haas EC - 400 Haas EC - 400
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Sweden Eskilstuna
7,634 km

2007 Haas EC - 400
HaasEC - 400

Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
Cnc horizontal transfer machine RIELLO SISTEMI TFL400-19/15CDLR6-4MR80R2/10-V
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France Contamine-sur-Arve
7,946 km

Cnc horizontal transfer machine

CNC machining center UNISIGN UV 5
CNC machining center UNISIGN UV 5
CNC machining center UNISIGN UV 5
CNC machining center UNISIGN UV 5
Germany Siegen
7,744 km

CNC machining center

Certified Dealer
Horizontal machining centre Niigata SPN 501-P8
Horizontal machining centre Niigata SPN 501-P8
Horizontal machining centre Niigata SPN 501-P8
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Italy Cuggiono
8,142 km

Horizontal machining centre
NiigataSPN 501-P8

Certified Dealer
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
CNC Turning and Milling Centers DOOSAN NHM8000
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South Korea 광명시
10,656 km

CNC Turning and Milling Centers

5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400 HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH CNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F
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Germany Wiedergeltingen
8,088 km

5-axis CNC Milling System RT-F 1400
HG GRIMME SysTech GmbHCNC Maschine - 5-Achs Fräsmaschine RT-F

Certified Dealer
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Machining center Liebherr LC 80
Auction ended
France Strasbourg
7,884 km

Machining center
LiebherrLC 80

Certified Dealer
Machining center ITALMAC Pegaso
Machining center ITALMAC Pegaso
Machining center ITALMAC Pegaso
Machining center ITALMAC Pegaso
Machining center ITALMAC Pegaso
Machining center ITALMAC Pegaso
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Bulgaria Plovdiv
9,353 km

Machining center

3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
Auction ended
Germany Wolfhagen
7,784 km

3-axis machining center

Certified Dealer
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
Machining center Heller H 2000
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Germany Metzingen
7,972 km

Machining center
HellerH 2000

Certified Dealer
Machining center HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH 5-Achs CNC Fräsmaschine G-S-F/Universal
Machining center HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH 5-Achs CNC Fräsmaschine G-S-F/Universal
Machining center HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH 5-Achs CNC Fräsmaschine G-S-F/Universal
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Germany Wiedergeltingen
8,088 km

Machining center
HG GRIMME SysTech GmbH5-Achs CNC Fräsmaschine G-S-F/Universal

Certified Dealer

Trust Seal

Through Werktuigen certified dealers

Trust Seal
5-axis machining center HURCO VMX42SRT i
5-axis machining center HURCO VMX42SRT i
5-axis machining center HURCO VMX42SRT i
5-axis machining center HURCO VMX42SRT i
Auction ended
Germany Wolfhagen
7,784 km

5-axis machining center

Certified Dealer
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
3-axis machining center HURCO VMX30i
Auction ended
Germany Wolfhagen
7,784 km

3-axis machining center

Certified Dealer
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
3-axis CNC machine MTCUT V110 - 12TH
Auction ended
Germany Kreuzwertheim
7,906 km

3-axis CNC machine
MTCUTV110 - 12TH

Certified Dealer
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
3-axis CNC machine HERMLE C 800 V
Auction ended
Germany Kreuzwertheim
7,906 km

3-axis CNC machine

Certified Dealer