Used Process engineering for sale (891)
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7,531 km
Alfa Laval X4 - Avocado oil line - 3 phase extraction - Decanter
Alfa LavalX4 - Avocado oil line - 3 phase extraction
Condition: used, General
SKU: LT016
Location: Spain
Make: AlfaLaval
Type: Avocadooilline-3phase
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 15KW
Specified Features - Decanter
Decanter: ✔
3-Phase decanter: ✔
Screw diameter: 280mm
Screw length: 1260mm
Motor: 15kW
Max. rotor speed: 4400rpm
Material: Stainlesssteel
CE: ✔
Extra Specifications: with:-3xtermo-blenderAlfaLaval ATMOSPHERA®RoundMalaxer,650L tr.- CentrifugalSeparator,AlfaLavalUVPX507,throughhputcapaci ty:2,7m³/h,feedtemp.:max100°C,operatingliquiddensity:max.110kg/m³ ,dischargevolume:7,5Ltr.,motor:5,5kW-Receptionandwasher,1500kgper hour-Stoner,pulper,1500kgofrawfruits,1000kgofpulpinexit-2x S crewpump,1,5KWwithspeedvariator-2x Screwconveyor,5mlong,2,2k W-Tankfordecantation200Ltr.-Tankforfinishedoil60Ltr.- Therma lunittoheatthekneaders,forwater,withplateheatexchangerPOVX12x12
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Ferrum DSZ-OR/T 1000/500 - Basket centrifuge
FerrumDSZ-OR/T 1000/500
Year of construction: 2001, Condition: reconditioned (used), General
SKU: 361T1082
Location: Barneveld
Make: Ferrum
Type: DSZ-OR/T1000/500
No.: 414-092396
Year of construction: 2001
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 11KW
Inlet diameter: 50mm
Specified Features - Basket centrifuge
Basket centrifuge: ✔
Rubber lined: hallarchamber
Perforated basket: ✔
Capacity: 200Ltr.
Basket sizes: Dia1000x500mm
Max. loading weight: 250kg
Hydraulic operated: ✔
Liquid outlet: Dia.100mm
With hydraulic unit: ✔WandfluhHN10-6nvh,motor:0,75kW,230/400volt,1380rpm
Motor: 11kW,400/690volt,1475rpm
Max. basket speed: 1200rpm
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404,Stainlesssteel1.4435(316L)
Mounted on foundation plate: ✔
Total height: 1,7m
Weight: 2400kg
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 1,8x2,2m
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: Revisedmachine!Including:newmotor,pulleys,belts,shaftseal,terare a1.57m².trifugehousingiscoatedwithHalar.
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Haagen & Rinau SRC-200 - Processing vessel
Haagen & RinauSRC-200
Year of construction: 1987, Condition: reconditioned (used), General
SKU: 273K305
Location: Barneveld
Make: Haagen&RinauMischtechnikBremen
Type: SRC-200
No.: 8233751
Year of construction: 1987
Working pressure: 3Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 4Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 345Ltr.
Motor: 6KW
Specified Features - Processing vessel
Material: Stainlesssteel
Closed stirring vessel: "Vacuumprocessingvessel"(1x)
Capacity: 345Ltr(usefulcapacity50-200Ltr)
Vessel sizes: dia.740x550mm
Dished bottom: ✔
Dished top side: ✔
With cover: ✔
With jacket: (32,5Ltr)
Max. temperature: 143/151Degr.C.(vessel/jacket)
With anchor stirrer: "scraperstirrer"(Teflonscrapersmissing)
Motor: 5,5KW,220/380Volt
Speed mixing shaft: variable
With homogeniser: ✔
Motor: 1,5/6,0KW,380Volt
Floorspace: 2,2x1,2M
Total height: 2,9M
Weight: 1800KG
Extra Specifications: -WithvacuumpumpmakeSIHI,typeLEMA-50(motor4,0KW)--RECONDITIONED--
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

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7,531 km
Hosokawa Alpine LGM-20 (Long Gap Mill) - Fine Impa
Hosokawa AlpineLGM-20 (Long Gap Mill) - Fine Impact Mill
Condition: used, SKU : 227S107
Location : Barneveld
Make : Hosokawa Alpine (D)
Type : LGM 20 ( Long Gap Mill )
No. : P1172095
Year of construction : 2009
Main Features
Motor : 500 KW
Specified Features - Fine Impact Mill
Grinder : check
Rotor size : Dia. 1950x800 mm
Grinding room size : Dia. 2000x760 mm
With hopper : check
Inlet : Screw (Schneckenbau Prestel) (2x dia. 125mm)
Motor : 500 kW 400 Volt
Speed : 1100 rpm
Fine Impact Mills
Material : Mild steel
Total height : 3,0 m
Weight : 22000 kg
CE : check
Floorspace : 4,9x2,4 m
ATEX compatible : check
Extra Specifications : including Reitz fan type KXE 160-063030-00 (2009) 630 m3/h 2980 rpm 200 kW 400/690 volts including cyclone and heating unit with burner monitoring (as is )
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Fukae Powtec FS-GC-1200J - Universal mixer
Fukae PowtecFS-GC-1200J
Year of construction: 1988, Condition: reconditioned (used), General
SKU: 086S374
Location: Barneveld
Make: FukaePowtec
Type: FS-GC-1200J
.: 424
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 2400Ltr.
Motor: 55KW
Specified Features - Universal mixer
Material: Stainlesssteel
Universal mixer: (1x)
Capacity: 2400Ltr
Vessel sizes: Dia.1850x1000mm
With cover: ✔
Inlet: 2xdia.500mm,1xdia.160mm
Outlet: dia.250mm
With motor: 55KW,415Volt
With lump breaker: ✔
Year of construction: 1988
With switch: ✔
Floorspace: 3,9x2,4M
Total height: 3,2M
Weight: 9500KG
Extra Specifications: -RECONDITIONED-
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Brogli MH-2000 - Processing vessel
Year of construction: 1989, Condition: reconditioned (used), General
SKU: 040Z162
Location: Barneveld
Make: BrogliAGAllschwill
Type: MH-2000
No.: 2931
Year of construction: 1989
Working pressure: 0.5Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 2000Ltr.
Motor: 21KW
Specified Features - Processing vessel
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4301(304)
Open stirring vessel: "Vacuumprocessingvessel"(1x)
Capacity: 2000Ltr
Vessel sizes: dia.1530x1100mm,VesselWITHOUTjacket
Dished bottom: ✔
Flat top side: withmechaniclifting(2,2LW,380Volt)
With cover: ✔
Outlet: dia.90mm
With anchor stirrer: "scraperstirrer"
Motor: 8,5/12,0KW,380Volt
With homogeniser: (±750/1500Rpm)
Motor: 18,0/21,0KW
With switchgear: ✔
Floorspace: 3,8x2,0M
Total height: 2,9M
Weight: 7000KG
Extra Specifications: -Equippedwith2spiralstirrers("Helix")--RECONDITIONED--
Technical specs
Extra information: Vesselwithoutjacket
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Pressindustria TE.3/SV/R/5 - Processing vessel
PressindustriaTE.3/SV/R/5 - Processing vessel
Condition: used, SKU : 004Y057
Location : Barneveld
Make : Pressindustria S.p.A.
Type : TE.3/SV/R/5
No. : 4302
Year of construction : 1983
Working pressure : 0.067 Bar
Vacuum possible : check
Working pressure jacket : 3 Bar
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Volume : 7 Ltr.
Motor : 0.55 KW
Specified Features - Processing vessel
Material : Stainless steel 1.4401 (316)
Closed stirring vessel : Vacuum processing vessel (1x)
Capacity : min. 3/max. 7 Ltr
Vessel sizes : dia. 250x250mm, Vessel can be lifted hydr.
Dished bottom : check
Flat top side : check
With cover : check
With jacket : check
Max. temperature : 160 Degr. C.
With anchor stirrer : scraper stirrer
Counter rotating stirrer : check
Motor : 0,07/0,22 KW, 220 Volt (3 Ph)
Speed mixing shaft : 3-60 Rpm
With homogeniser : (400-2000 Rpm)
Motor : 0,2/0,55 KW
With switchgear : check
Floorspace : 1,2x0,9 M
Total height : 2,3 M
Technical specs
Extra information : Vessel can be lifted hydr.
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Niro Atomizer VFI/G/A 2,5 - Fluid bed dryer contin
Niro AtomizerVFI/G/A 2,5 - Fluid bed dryer continuous
Condition: used, SKU : 224S098
Location : Barneveld
Make : Niro Atomizer (DK)
Type : VFI/H/A 2,5
No. : 43164
Year of construction : Unknown
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Motor : 2.2 KW
Surface : 1.96 m2
Specified Features - Fluid bed dryer continuous
Continuous fluidbed dryer : check
Surface : 1.96 m2
Bed sizes : 700x2800mm
Product outlet : 200x600mm
Air inlet : dia. 300mm
Air outlet : dia. 350mm
Drive with excentric : check
Motor : 2.2 kW 220-240/380-420 Volt
Material : Stainless steel
Mounted on mild steel frame : check
Total height : 3,2 M
Weight : 1800 Kg
Floorspace : 4,7x1,6 M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Sweco RM3-1A-S-BR2 - Vibro sieve
SwecoRM3-1A-S-BR2 - Vibro sieve
Condition: used, SKU : 340S631
Location : Barneveld
Make : Sweco Separator
Type : RM3-1A-S-BR2
No. : 53414
Year of construction : unknown
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Surface : 2.5 m2
Size length : 2400 mm
Sizes width : 1100 mm
Specified Features - Vibro sieve
Vibro sieve : check
Sieve surface : 2,75 m2
Number of sieve decks: : 1
Sieve sizes : 1100x2500mm
Inlet : dia. 300mm
Outlet : dia. 400mm (1x), dia. 150mm (1x)
Motor : 4,0 kW 380-415/660-720 Volt
Sieve perforation : 3x3mm
Material : Stainless steel 1.4301 (304)
Mounted on mild steel frame : check
Floor space : 3,0x2,0 M
Total height : 2,0 M
Weight : 1450 Kg
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Apex 114 DW-SF - Hammer Mill
Apex114 DW-SF - Hammer Mill
Condition: used, SKU : 027E101
Location : Barneveld
Make : Apex Construction Ltd.
Type : 114 DW-SF
No. : A-40880
Year of construction : unknown
Main Features
Motor : 22 KW
Inlet diameter : 260 mm
Width : 295 mm
Specified Features - Hammer Mill
Material : stainless steel 1.4721(heat resistant), Stainless steel 1.4306 (304L)
Hammer Mills
Hammer mill : Comminuting mill (1x)
Rotor size : dia. 260x295mm
Fixed hammers : check
With sieve cage : check
Inlet : /feeding through twin screw metering screw
Motor : 22,0/30,0 KW, 380/660 Volt, 1470rpm
Speed : 750rpm
Mounted on frame : check
Mounted on wheels : check
With switch : check
Floorspace : 2,0x1,3 M
Floor space : 2,0x1,3 m
Total height : 2,4 M
Weight : 900 KG
Extra Specifications : Dosing screw Motor 0.55 kW Gearbox output 5.7 - 34 rpm (manual variator) Dosing screw capacity: maximum 4.5 m3/h Sieve cages: 3 pieces ( 2 x pore size 1.25 mm; 1 x 1.75 mm)
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Quadro Canada Comil 194-S - Sieve granulator
Quadro CanadaComil 194-S - Sieve granulator
Condition: used, SKU : 242S148
Location : Barneveld
Make : Quadro Engineering Inc (CA)
Type : Comil 194-S
No. : 194-0950
Year of construction : 1998
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Motor : 4 KW
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Conical granulating sieve : check
Rotor sizes : dia. 195x105mm
Sieve sizes : dia. 200x110mm
Sieve perforation : 0,45
Inlet : dia. 250mm
Outlet : dia. 250mm
Motor : 4,0 kW 230/400 Volt
Speed : 0-2800 rpm
Material : Stainless steel 1.4301 (304)
Mounted on stainl. st. frame : check
Mounted on wheels : check
With switchgear : check
Total height : 1,9 M
Weight : 320 Kg
CE : check
Floor space : 1,6x0,9 M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
GWA Webb Easifill - Powder filler
GWA WebbEasifill - Powder filler
Condition: used, SKU : 227T238
Location : Barneveld
Make : GWA Webb Easyfill
Type : Easyfill ER11-B
No. : 002.972
Year of construction : 2000
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Number of : 1 heads
Specified Features - Powder filler
Material : Stainless steel
Powder filler : check
Valve bag filler : check
With screw dosing : check
Number of dosing heads: : 1
Screw diameter : 70 mm
With motor : 220-380 Volt, 0.55 kW
With hopper : ± 30 liter
With mixer in hopper : check
Total height : 2,4 m
Weight : 450 Kg
Floorspace : 0,6x0,6 m
Extra Specifications : GWA control, type HP5 easyfill 2, foot control,
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Niemann KDV790-79 - Dissolver
Year of construction: 1986, Condition: used, General
SKU: 253S178
Location: Barneveld
Make: Niemann(D)
Type: KDV790
No.: 801004
Year of construction: 1986
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 500Ltr.
Motor: 58KW
Specified Features - Dissolver
Dissolver: ✔
Shaft length: 650mm
Disc diameter: 700mm
Motor: 58kW380Volt(Ex)
With pans: (3x)
Capacity: 500ltr(t)
Pan sizes: dia.990x730mm
Outlet: dia.35mm
With hydraulic lifting: ✔
Motor: 1.1kW380Volt
Material: Stainlesssteel
With switch: (asis)
Weight: 2350Kg
Floorspace: 2,5x1,4M
Total height: 2,2M
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Fima Process RC 3 U180 KB6X GL360 MB280 - Blower
Fima ProcessRC 3 U180 KB6X GL360 MB280 - Blower
Condition: used, SKU : 212T471
Location : Barneveld
Make : Fima Maschinenbau GmbH
Type : RC3 U180 KB6X 6 L 360 MB 280
No. : 1/20700737/20
Year of construction : 2007
Pressure buildup : 0.3 Bar
Main Features
Capacity : 66 m3/Min
Motor : 55 KW
Pressure : 0.3 Bar
Specified Features - Blower
Blower : check
Capacity : 4000 m³/h
Motor : 55 kW
Inlet : DN400
Outlet : 140x140 mm
Material : Stainless steel 1.4301 (304)
Mounted on frame : check
Total height : 1,33 m
Weight : 1700 kg
CE : check
Floorspace : 2,1x1,4 m
ATEX compatible : check
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
List ORP-10 - Paddle dryer
Year of construction: 2006, Condition: used, General
SKU: 314P709
Location: Barneveld
Make: List(CH)
Type: ORP10Batch
No.: 4919.
Year of construction: 2006
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 2Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 18.3Ltr.
Motor: 3.6KW
Specified Features - Paddle dryer
Paddle dryer: ✔
Double shaft: ✔
Continuous: ✔
Capacity: 18.3Ltr
Trough sizes: +/-400x290x170mm
Inlet: dia.80mm
Outlet: 70x50mm
Shaft can be heated: (1.9+1.4Ltr)
Max. temperature: 150Degr.C
Material: Stainlesssteel
Mounted on frame: ✔
Floorspace: 2.2x0.8M
Total height: 1.6M
Weight: 1160KG
Extra Specifications: raulicunit"GribiAGtype1207-1-2090/00)forthedriveofpaddleshafts,m otor3.6kW,ludingkneaderforproductinlet,withhydraulicunit,motor7.5 /8.6KW,400-690Volt
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Plasmec TRM 200 - Hot mixer
PlasmecTRM 200
Year of construction: 1997, Condition: used, General
SKU: 231U210
Location: Barneveld
Make: Plasmec
Type: TRM200
No.: 14604897
Year of construction: 1997
Working pressure: 8Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 200Ltr.
Motor: 36KW
Specified Features - Hot mixer
Hot/Cold mixer: ✔
Capacity: 200Ltr.
Vessel sizes: Dia:700x580mm
With jacket: ✔
With motor: 18-36kW400Volt
Pneumatic operated outlet: ✔(asis)
Outlet: dia.240mm
Material: Stainlesssteel
With switchgear: ✔(asis)
Total height: 1,2m
Weight: 810kg
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 2x0,9m
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Drais T-2000 SM - Powder turbo mixer
DraisT-2000 SM
Year of construction: 1985, Condition: used, General
SKU: R0231
Location: Barneveld
Make: DraiswerkeGmbHMannheim(D)
Type: T-2000SM
No.: 51989
Year of construction: 1985
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 2000Ltr.
Motor: 24KW
Specified Features - Powder turbo mixer
Powder turbo mixer: ✔
Capacity: 2000Ltr
Trough sizes: dia1200x1950mm
Inlet: 1090x900mm
Top connections: dia80mm(1x)
Inspection hatch: 550x400mm
Outlet: dia.300mm
With jacket: (150ltr)
Max. temperature: 165degr.C
With adjustable packing glands: ✔
Glands air purged: ✔
Motor: 16/24kW380VoltEx
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4541(321)
Total height: 1,5M
Weight: 5000Kg
Floorspace: 4,4x1,6M
Extra Specifications: terhousingmaterial1.4301including2filtercartridges(20filterbags4 50x1100mm)andtransporttrolleytodisassemblethefiltercartridges,fil terhousingsize2.2x1.8Mheight3.4M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Zenner Ventilatoren GmbH VRZ 560/20/1 ZAH high temperature - Blower
Zenner Ventilatoren GmbHVRZ 560/20/1 ZAH high temperature
Year of construction: 2016, Condition: used, General
SKU: 254S1023
Location: Barneveld
Make: ZennerVentilatorenGmbH
Type: VRZ560/20/1ZAH
No.: 79.016
Year of construction: 2016
Pressure buildup: 0.1Bar
Main Features
Capacity: 0.6m3/Min
Motor: 5.5KW
Pressure: 0.1Bar
Specified Features - Blower
Blower: ✔
Capacity: 36m3/h(totalincreaseofpressure10038Pa,density3,13Kg/m3)
Motor: 5,5kW400/690volt
Inlet: dia.105mm
Outlet: dia.50mm(2x)
Material: Stainlesssteel2.4605(Alloy59)
Total height: 1,2M
Weight: 400Kg
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 2,0x1,2M
ATEX compatible: ✔
Extra Specifications: thextrasmallcoolingfan0.37kW208-255/360-450volt
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Hermann Waldner HW-17.2 H - Tray dryer
Hermann WaldnerHW-17.2 H - Tray dryer
Condition: used, SKU : 214U093
Location : Barneveld
Make : Hermann Waldner
Type : HW-17.2 H
Machine number : 5175
Working pressure : 6 Bar
Working pressure jacket : 6 Bar
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Volume : 2300 Ltr.
Surface : 14.4 m2
Specified Features - Tray dryer
Tray dryer : check
Stainless steel housing : check
Stainless steel trays : check
Heating surface : 14.4m²
Drying chamber capacity : 2300 Ltr.
Drying chamber sizes : 970x1000x1750 mm
Max. temperature : -10/120 °C
With jacket : 10 Ltr.
Max. temperature : -10/180 °C
Number of trays : 34
Distance between the trays : 35 cm
Tray capacity : 21Ltr.
Container sizes : 530x800x50 mm
With 1 door : check
Material : Stainless steel 1.4539 (904L)
Year of construction : 2016
With switchgear : check(as is)
Floorspace : 1,3x1,65 m
CE : check
Total height : 2,6 m
Weight : 1600 kg
ATEX compatible : check
Extra Specifications : This tray dryer must be heated by steam.
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
VAV Scan-Vibro - Vibro sieve
VAV Scan-Vibrounknown
Year of construction: 2007, Condition: used, General
SKU: 344T942
Location: Barneveld
Make: Scan-Vibro
Type: EX113D
No.: 38350
Year of construction: 2007
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Surface: 2m2
Size length: 2450mm
Sizes width: 800mm
Specified Features - Vibro sieve
Vibro sieve: ✔
Sieve surface: 2,0m²
Number of sieve decks:: 2
Sieve sizes: 800x1000mm
With cover: ✔
Inlet: dia.300mm,dia.200mm,dia.150mm
Outlet: dia.250mm(3x)
Drive vibro motor: ✔(2x)
Motor: 1,1kW230/400Volt(Ex)
Material: Stainlesssteel
Mounted on stainl. st. frame: ✔
Total height: 2m
Weight: 1500kg
CE: ✔
Floor space: 1,2x3,2m
ATEX compatible: ✔
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Neumo "Chromatography column" - Extraction
Neumo"Chromatography column"
Year of construction: 2008, Condition: used, General
SKU: 394U1119
Location: Barneveld
Make: NeumoGmbH
Type: Chromatographycolumn
No.: H3144
Year of construction: 2008
Working pressure: 6Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 630Ltr.
Specified Features - Extraction
Capacity: 630Ltr.
Diameter: 600mm
Length: 2200
With jacket: ✔
Half coil jacketed: ✔
Max. temperature: -40ºC/+200ºC,
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L),Stainlesssteel1.4435(316L)
Total height: 2,75m
Weight: 1000kg
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 1,22x1,22m
Extra Specifications: Productspace:Volume:630l,Pressure:-1/+6bar,Temperature:-40ºC/+20 0ºC,Output:DN40,Input:DN100
Mantlechamber:Volume:35l,Pressure:-1/+16bar,Temperature:-40ºC/20 0ºC
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
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7,531 km
Alexanderwerk R-300 - Sieve granulator
AlexanderwerkR-300 - Sieve granulator
Condition: used, SKU : 244K212
Location : Barneveld
Make : Alexanderwerk
Type : R-300
No. : 039-09709
Year of construction : unknown
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Motor : 3.6 KW
Width : 300 mm
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Material : Stainless steel
Granulating sieve : Grater/shredder (1x)
Sieve sizes : dia. 300x130mm
Sieve perforation : dia. 10mm, Without hopper
Inlet : dia. 270mm
Motor : 3,6 KW, 230/400 Volt (Ex)
Mounted on wheels : check
With switch : check
Floor space : 1,1x1,2 M
Total height : 1,3 M
Weight : 340 KG
ATEX compatible : check
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Gough & Co GV4/1 SAN - Vibro sieve
Gough & CoGV4/1 SAN - Vibro sieve
Condition: used, SKU : 315U728
Location : Barneveld
Make : Gough & Company (hanley) Ltd
Type : GV4/1 SAN
No. : 2392
Year of construction : 12-1997
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Surface : 0.95 m2
Sizes diameter : 1100 mm
Specified Features - Vibro sieve
Vibro sieve : check
Sieve surface : 0,95 m2
Number of sieve decks: : 1
Sieve sizes : 1100 mm
With cover : check
Inlet : Dia: 45 mm
Outlet : Dia: 40 mm
Drive excenter : check
Motor : 2,2kW, 230/400Volt, 1420rpm
Suitable for liquids : check
Material : Stainless steel 1.4301 (304)
Mounted on wheels : check
With switch : check(as is)
Weight : 660kg
CE : check
Floor space : 1,5x1,5 m
Total height : 1,5 m
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Engelsmann MFL 85N/80-E1 - Hammer Mill
EngelsmannMFL 85N/80-E1 - Hammer Mill
Condition: used, SKU : 043R200
Location : Barneveld
Make : Engelsmann
Type : MFL 85N/80-E1
No. : 30223/88
Main Features
Motor : 24 KW
Inlet diameter : 300 mm
Width : 150 mm
Specified Features - Hammer Mill
Material : Stainless steel 2.4602 (Hastelloy C-22)
Hammer Mills
Hammer mill : (1x)
Rotor size : Dia. 300x150mm
Fixed hammers : (6x4)
Motor : 24 KW, 380/660 Volt, Ex
Speed : 2300 Rpm
Floor space : 1,7x0,7 m
Total height : 1,2 m
Weight : 800 Kg
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

7,531 km
Curtis Simpli'fill 2 - Powder filler
CurtisSimpli'fill 2 - Powder filler
Condition: used, SKU : 227T228
Location : Barneveld
Make : Curtis Packaging
Type : Simpli‘fill
No. : 64-03-04
Main Features
Material : Stainless steel
Number of : 1 heads
Specified Features - Powder filler
Material : Stainless steel
Powder filler : check
With screw dosing : 1
Pneumatic filling : check
Capacity : 55 kg
Screw diameter : 70 mm
With hopper : check
Floorspace : 0,9x0,8 m
Total height : 2,3 m
Weight : 400 kg
Extra Specifications : Spimabo touchscreen control,
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
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