Used Meat processing for sale (1,258)

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Food processing machinery Meat processing
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
Vacuum pump Busch RA 0630 B
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United Kingdom Chapel Pond Hill, Bury Saint Edmunds IP32 7HT, UK
7,240 km

Vacuum pump
BuschRA 0630 B

Certified Dealer
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
Former Type VM 900 (Koppens) GEA-CFS Vormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Former Type VM 900 (Koppens)
GEA-CFSVormmachine Type VM 900 (Koppens)

Certified Dealer
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
Meat processing machine Laska MEV250
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United Kingdom Misterton
7,085 km

Meat processing machine

Certified Dealer
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
Ishida multihead weighing line Ishida
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United Kingdom Chapel Pond Hill, Bury Saint Edmunds IP32 7HT, UK
7,240 km

Ishida multihead weighing line

Certified Dealer
Steam tunnel Type ST 5000-600 GEA-CFS stoomtunnel Type ST 5000-600
Steam tunnel Type ST 5000-600 GEA-CFS stoomtunnel Type ST 5000-600
Steam tunnel Type ST 5000-600 GEA-CFS stoomtunnel Type ST 5000-600
Steam tunnel Type ST 5000-600 GEA-CFS stoomtunnel Type ST 5000-600
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Steam tunnel Type ST 5000-600
GEA-CFSstoomtunnel Type ST 5000-600

Certified Dealer
Bowl cutter Tipper Tie Alpina Swopper 330
Bowl cutter Tipper Tie Alpina Swopper 330
Bowl cutter Tipper Tie Alpina Swopper 330
Bowl cutter Tipper Tie Alpina Swopper 330
Bowl cutter Tipper Tie Alpina Swopper 330
Bowl cutter Tipper Tie Alpina Swopper 330
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United Kingdom Huddersfield
7,018 km

Bowl cutter
Tipper Tie AlpinaSwopper 330

Certified Dealer
Steam tunnel Type Varicon 4-800 Seamac stoomtunnel Type Varicon 4-800
Steam tunnel Type Varicon 4-800 Seamac stoomtunnel Type Varicon 4-800
Steam tunnel Type Varicon 4-800 Seamac stoomtunnel Type Varicon 4-800
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Steam tunnel Type Varicon 4-800
Seamacstoomtunnel Type Varicon 4-800

Certified Dealer
Former for nuggets and burger production GEA CFS Koppens MLF400 MultiFormer
Former for nuggets and burger production GEA CFS Koppens MLF400 MultiFormer
Former for nuggets and burger production GEA CFS Koppens MLF400 MultiFormer
Former for nuggets and burger production GEA CFS Koppens MLF400 MultiFormer
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United Kingdom Hereford
7,042 km

Former for nuggets and burger production
GEA CFS KoppensMLF400 MultiFormer

Certified Dealer
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P Fomaco Pekelmenger Type FBM 2000P
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Brine mixer Type FBM 2000P
FomacoPekelmenger Type FBM 2000P

Certified Dealer
2022 vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus advanced edition
2022 vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus advanced edition
2022 vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus advanced edition
2022 vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus advanced edition
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7,240 km

2022 vacuum filler
HandtmannVF608 Plus advanced edition

Certified Dealer
Twin shaft paddle mixer Type Barmix180L Barsso Dubbele peddelmenger, Type Barmix 180L.
Twin shaft paddle mixer Type Barmix180L Barsso Dubbele peddelmenger, Type Barmix 180L.
Twin shaft paddle mixer Type Barmix180L Barsso Dubbele peddelmenger, Type Barmix 180L.
Twin shaft paddle mixer Type Barmix180L Barsso Dubbele peddelmenger, Type Barmix 180L.
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Twin shaft paddle mixer Type Barmix180L
BarssoDubbele peddelmenger, Type Barmix 180L.

Certified Dealer
Vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus
Vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus
Vacuum filler Handtmann VF608 Plus
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7,240 km

Vacuum filler
HandtmannVF608 Plus

Certified Dealer
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L. Heller vacuümtumbler 1.500 L.
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Vacuum tumbler 1.500 L.
Hellervacuümtumbler 1.500 L.

Certified Dealer
Tote bin tumbler Syspal TT2 1000
Tote bin tumbler Syspal TT2 1000
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7,240 km

Tote bin tumbler
SyspalTT2 1000

Certified Dealer
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
Schnitzel press Type ASP 600 Alco Pletter Type ASP 600
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Schnitzel press Type ASP 600
AlcoPletter Type ASP 600

Certified Dealer
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
Weighing and bagging line Ishida and PFM
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United Kingdom Chapel Pond Hill, Bury Saint Edmunds IP32 7HT, UK
7,240 km

Weighing and bagging line
Ishida and PFM

Certified Dealer
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
Vertical plate freezers Jackstone Vertikale plaatvriezers
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Vertical plate freezers
JackstoneVertikale plaatvriezers

Certified Dealer
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
As new stainless steel bowl cutter Fatosa C75
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7,240 km

As new stainless steel bowl cutter

Certified Dealer
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66 CES stikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Nitrogen tunnel Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66
CESstikstofvriezer Model CES-LT-LIN-9x0.66

Certified Dealer
Rotary table, adjustable speed Barsso  Draaitafel, traploze snelheid
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Rotary table, adjustable speed
Barsso Draaitafel, traploze snelheid

Certified Dealer
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400 Alco Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Tempura Dipper Type ADT 400
AlcoTempura Dipper Type ADT 400

Certified Dealer

Trust Seal

Through Werktuigen certified dealers

Trust Seal
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
Fryer Florigo Braadoven
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km


Certified Dealer
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
V-belt slicer  Type Mantis 2 FAM V-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

V-belt slicer Type Mantis 2
FAMV-band snijmachine Type Mantis 2

Certified Dealer
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
Battering machine Type WTC 600 GEA-CFS Eiwitteermachine Type WTC 600
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Battering machine Type WTC 600
GEA-CFSEiwitteermachine Type WTC 600

Certified Dealer
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100 Barsso Flaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100
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Belgium Zwevegem
7,478 km

Frozen blocks flaker Type Barflaker 100
BarssoFlaker (shredder), Type Barflaker 100

Certified Dealer