Used Mining excavators for sale (1)

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Construction machinery Excavators Mining excavators
Excavator HANOMAG D 600D Super
Excavator HANOMAG D 600D Super
Excavator HANOMAG D 600D Super
Excavator HANOMAG D 600D Super
Excavator HANOMAG D 600D Super
Excavator HANOMAG D 600D Super
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Austria Ödenkirchen
8,431 km


Certified Dealer

How can I spot good Mining excavators?

Assessing the Condition

When evaluating used mining excavators, start by checking the overall physical condition. Look for any signs of repairs or major damages on the body. Inspect for rust and examine the undercarriage for wear and tear. It's also crucial to check the attachment mechanisms and the bucket for any cracks or excessive wear.

Review Maintenance Records

Examine the machine's maintenance records thoroughly. Regular maintenance indicates that the excavator has been kept in good condition. Ensure all crucial components such as the engine, hydraulic systems, and electronics have been regularly serviced and maintained.

Check Operational Performance

Before finalizing any purchase, test the excavator’s operational performance. Check how well it executes basic functions such as digging, lifting, and moving. Pay attention to any unusual noises or vibrations, and ensure that all controls are responsive and functioning properly.

Consider the Hours of Usage

The number of hours a mining excavator has been operated is a significant indicator of its remaining lifespan. Generally, fewer hours mean less wear and tear. However, very low hours on an old machine might indicate sporadic use, which could also lead to issues from not being run regularly.

Professional Evaluation

If possible, have the excavator assessed by a professional mechanic or an independent inspector specializing in such heavy machinery. This will help uncover any potential issues that may not be visible during a basic inspection.

Assessing the Condition

When evaluating used mining excavators, start by checking the overall physical condition. Look for any signs of repairs or major damages on the body. Inspect for rust and examine the undercarriage for wear and tear. It's also crucial to check the attachment mechanisms and the bucket for any cracks or excessive wear.

Review Maintenance Records

Examine the machine's maintenance records thoroughly. Regular maintenance indicates that the excavator has been kept in good condition. Ensure all crucial components such as the engine, hydraulic systems, and electronics have been regularly serviced and maintained.

Check Operational Performance

Before finalizing any purchase, test the excavator’s operational performance. Check how well it executes basic functions such as digging, lifting, and moving. Pay attention to any unusual noises or vibrations, and ensure that all controls are responsive and functioning properly.

Consider the Hours of Usage

The number of hours a mining excavator has been operated is a significant indicator of its remaining lifespan. Generally, fewer hours mean less wear and tear. However, very low hours on an old machine might indicate sporadic use, which could also lead to issues from not being run regularly.

Professional Evaluation

If possible, have the excavator assessed by a professional mechanic or an independent inspector specializing in such heavy machinery. This will help uncover any potential issues that may not be visible during a basic inspection.